Thursday, October 9, 2008

News Flash! The Earth is flat!

The religious zealots are at it again, with tacit support from their moronic leader. Unfortunately, the president and too many people in this country are incapable of grasping the fundamental concepts of science and therefore cannot make an informed judgement. Instead they form twisted theories to support pre-conceived dogma. They want to teach creationism as science, yet have NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER to support their theory. Zero. More fundamentally, they don't even understand that 'theory' in the realm of science is not based on pure conjecture. They claim that Darwinian theories have too many holes, but don't demand any sort of proof to support creationist theories.
Ok, lets apply the scientific method to creationism.1) Observe some phenomena.2) Formulate a hypothesis to explain the phenomena. (A deity created everything.)3) Conceive experiments to test your hypothesis. (Oops, things are already starting to get tricky.)4) Evaluate the results of the tests. (Now we're really in trouble.)5) Publish results so others can reproduce the test to independently confirm your conclusions. (Our theory is dead if it ever got this far.)
That should result in a pretty short section in any textbook.
Several years ago, I engaged in a creationism/evolution discussion with someone at a previous employer. Part of our deal was that I would read two books she provided on creation science. I read those books, and made notes on every page. As you might expect, those texts were fraught with a lack of understanding of basic science.

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