Thursday, October 9, 2008

Already I don't like this guy...

... and he's only been on the job for a few days. But it should come as no surprise.
Our new chief justice is trying to strike down state laws permitting physician-assisted euthanasia. In some ways this is or should be a more important and fundamental right than the right to an abortion. At least in this case there can be no debate about who's life is at stake.
So let's say you have some form of inoperable cancer. Every moment, every breath is agony, and what is left for you is nothing resembling life. At the same time, your family is being driven to destitution by medical bills. You and your family are basically being forced to pay people to torture you. And yet you can do nothing about it because of SOMEONE ELSE'S religious convictions. They get to decide for you whether your life is worth continuing. Your beliefs mean nothing. Your pain means nothing. Your family, your doctors' opinions don't matter. They are the righteous ones and get to decide for you.

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