Tuesday, October 14, 2008

"I guess I picked the wrong day to quit drinking"

These immortal words were uttered by the late, great, Lloyd Bridges in the movie, Airplane!

Recent economic news makes Lloyd's words seem timeless. Everyone is aware by now of all the problems in the financial sector: the bank failures, the mortgage problems, etc. As bad as all that is, the worst problem emerging is rising unemployment. Most people can survive fluctuations in their investments if they have income. No job--big problems. This has a cascading effect.

I wonder whether the middle class--all species of middle class from white- to blue-collar--will finally start questioning whether Bush and the supply-siders might have been wrong? Will they question whether trickle-down economics is healthy for them and for the overall economy? Is massive debt a good thing or bad?

Or will they fall for the usual right-wing ploy: blame everyone but those responsible (liberals, gays, secularists, sunspots, etc.)

To paraphrase another movie character, John Vernon (Fletcher) in The Outlaw Josey Wales, "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining."

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