Thursday, October 9, 2008

Calling all young republicans!

I went to see Fahrenheit 9-11 when it first came out at a local theatre. Sitting next to me were a bunch of 18-22ish rich kids from the Piedmont area of Oakland. During the film they were generally scornful of its content, particularly during the segment that showed Marine recruiters trying to meet their quotas in poor, minority neighborhoods. I heard a lot of comments like, "they should join the military, it would really help them, and it's the best way out of their current situation." Meanwhile these brats are off to Yale and wouldn't consider joining the Marines.
Such thinking is hypocritical, of course, but why should they act differently? They are simply the next generation of privilege supporting military action while expecting others to do the fighting for them. These kids are no different than the current administration and their neo-con puppet masters. None (or very few) of them served in the military much less in combat, yet they are quite anxious to send others to do their bidding. For all their brave talk, they are the biggest cowards on the planet.

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